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A member registered Jul 27, 2018

Recent community posts

Dude... I've played to Eternum so, i'm not playing Caribdis game for sex scenes either. And yes, some critique is important and story elements too. But your comment is not critical. The way you wrote it is just offensive.

And the fact that your are pointing one little detail which could be improve without saying anything about the rest (i can assure you that many things in this game are quite good, it's not popular for nothing), is not helping.

Yeaaah... It's unforgivable! We totally play it for the medical part, outrageous. Caribdis... You should be ashamed! :v

*go back to Eternum*

(1 edit)

Content de rencontrer un jeu français dans le monde des Visual Novels. Je suis obligé de tester le jeu maintenant. :)

Bon courage pour la suite.

Nice, thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to play it. :)